Steven universe amethyst gem cracked
Steven universe amethyst gem cracked

steven universe amethyst gem cracked

The brambles then suddenly animate and reach towards him. He then slowly approaches them, covering up his eyes, and tries to stick his index finger into a thorn of the brambles. ( Steven sees at the brambles all over him. Make it cry!" *slaps herself in the face and imitates crying* *said backwards* "Hey! If your body can't. Maybe there's a path over here! *leaves the area with Garnet* ( Steven continues to strain himself, as Amethyst lies next to him, waiting impatiently.) Directionless, pathetic, clinging things. Now, now! Let's keep it together! Our memories of Rose can't be tainted by some overgrown brambles! *chuckles* Look at them. ( Pearl notices the garden is overran by massive vines and brambles.) ( The Crystal Gems warp to a bramble-covered canyon.)Īnd in the center of the garden, Rose's Fountain! Overflowing with your mother's healing, lacrimal essence! ( Steven, Garnet and Pearl look at each other with concerns.)

steven universe amethyst gem cracked

*pops and starts speaking backwards* "Hey, guys! What are you doing on the beach?" *scoffs* Guys, I'm fine, I'm not gonna get any worrrrrrrr. We need to take Amethyst to Rose's Healing Spring. Just today, you were crying about snakes.

steven universe amethyst gem cracked

He then starts straining in front of Amethyst's gem bit nothing happens.) ( Steven does an elegant and dramatic entry, like he is being wrapped by a vine and then burst out in a flurry of roses. She felt real sorrow when they were hurt. Steven, your mother had healing tears that flowed from her gem. It'd be fine if it was just her body, but her gem is damaged. *in the flashback* So, what's the problem? Amethyst falls on stuff all the time. *puts on Connie's glasses* How do I look? *makes a goofy smile* Only if you give me the rest of your juice. Okay, okay! But only if you let me try on your glasses. ( Steven trembles faster and groans louder, and gives in.) ( Steven starts trembling and murmuring.) Steven! Steven? ( Steven looks away, unyielding.) Steven. *narrating* And that's why there's a fence. ( The flashback ends, returning back to Steven and Connie.) How could I have been so blind? We need to put a fence up there, so this will never happen again! She fell off the cliff by the lighthouse. Rude! *blushes and covers up her gem* Ah- It's not a big deal! Plus, now I have this cool googly eye.


( Garnet grabs Amethyst's arm and pulls down her shirt, revealing a crack in her gem.) Show me your gem! *reaches towards Amethyst* ( Amethyst pulls aside part of her hair to reveal an enlarged eye, when Garnet and Pearl comes running over.) He then collapses next to Amethyst, exhausted and panting heavily.) ( Back in the flashback, Steven runs all the way from the hill to the beach. *narrating* So, I ran there as fast as I could. ( The scene briefly returns to Steven, Connie, and Lion at their picnic.) *facepalms* Ugh, this is so embarrassing. ( Ironically, the ground underneath Amethyst gives way, and she falls off the cliff.) *stands at the edge of the cliff* Steven, please, I'm a Gem warrior. *chases Amethyst* Amethyst, you're gonna get hurt! *laughs* Steven, why are you getting so worked up? *makes a mock-lovestruck face* Why? Do you care about me or something?Īh, Steven, I didn't mean to make you- *pretends to fall backwards* Woah, woah! *narrating* Amethyst was horsing around, by the cliff. ( Steven begins retelling the story, flashing back to the events that occurred.) Is this fence new? *points to the fence that is now surrounding the entire cliff* ( Steven falls face-first off from Lion's back.)Īre you sure you're okay? *hands Steven a sandwich from the picnic basket* Steven, hurry up! *prepares the mat for the picnic* ( A gloomy Steven, lying belly-down on Lion's back, is carried up the cliff overlooking the Crystal Temple, as Connie sets up a picnic on the hill.)


Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode. This is a transcribed copy of " An Indirect Kiss".

Steven universe amethyst gem cracked